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831 612-7315
My Family Therapy
Client-Centered, Solution-Focused

 John Golino
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
                                                                               831 612-7315

Are you considering a divorce?

Are you in the difficult process of a divorce?

Do you worry how divorce will affect your children?

If you are considering a divorce I can help you work through the emotional thicket clouding its possibilities. If you are already in the process, I can help both you and your children adjust to and accommodate to this big life change. When parents divorce, children often suffer the most. A hostage to a situation they cannot control, they are dependent on their parents to help them through the uncharted difficulties. How you handle this crucial time can have a great impact for their present and future happiness.

I can help by working with parents to understand their children's needs and to keep relationship issues within the couple in their appropriate place. I can help parents give their children the stability and reassurance they need in this difficult time. I can help you develop a working co-parenting relationship that will benefit your child. It may sound strange to seek counseling after or during a divorce, yet it can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your children and yourself.

John Golino LMFT
550 Water Street Bld D-2
Santa Cruz Ca. 95060
(831) 612-7315
FAX (123) 234-5678

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